Thursday, 28 March 2013

Time calculation

1000 ms = 1sec
60000 ms60 sec1 min
3600000 ms3600 sec60 min1 hour
86400000 ms86400 sec1440 min24 hours1 day
604800000 ms604800 sec10080 min168 hours7 days1 week
2,592,000,000 ms2592000 sec43200 min720 hours30 days1 month
2,678,400,000 ms2678400 sec44640 min744 hours31 days1 month
31,536,000,000 ms31536000 sec525600 min8760 hours365 days1 year
31622400000 ms31622400 sec527040 min768 hours366 daysleap year

1 comment:

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